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Open for Submission

Thank you for considering Revolutionary Press. Please review our guidelines below before submitting:

This is the submission page for book-length submissions. If you are submitting to our literary magazine, Revolutionary Review, please go to their own submission page here.


Genres we publish:

- Fiction:

    - Science Fiction / Fantasy / Dystopian 

    - Adventure / Suspense / Thriller

    - Contemporary

    - Historical

    - Young Adult / Middle / Children's

    - Experimental

- Non-fiction:

   - Memoir​

Submission guidelines:

We only accept submissions via email. Please send all submissions per the guidelines below to:



- Please include the word "Submission" in the subject line.

- In the body of the email, please include: ​

  1. Your name and, if applicable, pen name

  2. Name(s) of the co-author(s) (if applicable)

  3. Your contact email

  4. Title of your work

  5. Approximated page count and word count

  6. Genre(s): main genre and/or sub-genre(s)

  7. Is the book a stand-alone book or part of a series?

  8. For our knowledge, please include any sensitive information that is included in your manuscript, such as actual personal information.

  9. Content warning. Write "N/A for CW" in the email if no content warning is needed. Do NOT skip this part, for we want to keep our assistant editors well informed before reading any manuscripts.


(Optional, but would be appreciated)

  1. Something about yourself that you want us to know. Your author's bio, your personal bio, your favorite food, etc.

  2. Please tell us how your story stands out from other authors' works in the same genre.


- Please attach these to the email as Word (.docx) files (ONLY Word files. NO google docs):

  1. The full manuscript (double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font).

  2. A synopsis of less than 150 words (pretend this is the one that will go on the back cover of the book).

  3. A one or two pages detailed synopsis (optional for novels).

Pile Of Books

We do, however, give priority to Young Adult and Middle Grade novels or collections.


Both stand-alone and series are welcomed.


We don't have a specific word count, so please use your best judgement for a "book." (Which means, a novel at least should be 100 pgs plus, no maximum, and collections should be 50 pgs plus, mo maximum also.)


(We still accept genres not listed above, but they will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Send a query letter first.)

All manuscripts must be the author's original and unpublished work.


We reply to all submissions. The turnaround time is around 6-8 weeks (could be sooner). If you don't hear back from us within that time, please contact us through the submission email.


Due to the amount of submissions we receive, we might not be able to provide a personal response to every submission. 


Simultaneous submissions are welcomed but do let us know through the submission email when your work has been picked up somewhere else.


Multiple submissions are also welcomed.

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